March 5, 2025

@School: A Smart Tool To Help In Reopening Schools

According to the Washington-based organization Active Minds, more than 35% of students in a survey said that focussing on studies and household works during the pandemic was the most stressful.

Most of the schools across the United States have already reopened after one year of closure caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Amid health concerns and the second wave of Coronavirus, many school administrators, students and even parents are still in dilemma whether to step into the schools or not. 

In terms of safely reopening schools all over the country, technology can play a vital role to help students and faculty members. 

KBC Inc, based in New Jersey, U.S., has launched a smart tool called—- @School that helps school leaders and educators navigate through this difficult time.

@School that Assists to Reopen Schools

Monitor psychological well-being

 Students and school staff members have been experiencing a range of mental health problems since schools shut down due to COVID-19 in early March last year. According to Washington based organization- Active Minds, more than 35% of students said that focusing on studies and household works was the most stressful during the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 70% felt that they are not able to manage their daily routine. The survey further added that more than 50% of students do not know whom to ask and where to seek help for their mental health issues. In this scenario, KBC’s AI-enabled smart solution @School can come in handy as a perfect tool to aid in monitoring the psychological well-being of students and staff

More than 70% felt that they are not able to manage their daily routine. The survey further added that more than 50% of students do not know whom to ask and where to seek help for their mental health issues. In this scenario, KBC’s AI-enabled smart solution @School can come in handy as a perfect tool to aid in monitoring the psychological well-being of students and staff.

1. The COVID-19 crisis has put schools and universities on the front lines of crisis communication. Administrators across the country are looking for a smart solution before bringing staff back to schools and students to classrooms to manage the crisis. 

 @School can come to the aid of the crisis management team (CMT) of schools in mitigating damages due to emergency events, be it COVID-19 related or natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes, or school shootings. 

2. There are several tools that track COVID-19 symptoms, but unfortunately, there is no national organization that maintains vaccination records. Even the CDC does not have this information. Most K-12 schools, colleges, and universities keep on file the vaccination records of their students.

 Tracking vaccination records is one of the important features of @School. It keeps all the vaccination-related records safe and secure. This feature will not only help the school administrators to ease their burden but also get rid of the paper clutter.

Manage health and hygiene

 Cleaning, disinfecting and promoting hand hygiene are important everyday actions to slow the spread of COVID-19. @School has come up with a smart technology that can also monitor the cleanliness and hygiene on campus. This feature will definitely boost the confidence of parents as they send their children back to school. 

Restore confidence of parents, teachers and students

 After prolonged closure of schools, parents and caregivers are anxious if it is completely safe to send children back to school. And thus, restoring confidence among parents and teachers is challenge for schools to reopen.

@School offers a robust and seamless technology –that can help parents, school administration and teachers stay rest assured about the safety of children and staff — with features to monitor the school’s real-time environment and enhance health and safety precautions and procedures, improve crisis reporting, track vaccination records, and a host of other useful features.

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