March 12, 2025



It is quite saddening to think of those people who have been mistreated by history. ….But there are even more mistreated heroes—the very sad category of those whom we do not know were heroes, who saved our lives, who helped us avoid disasters. They left no traces and did not even know that they were making a contribution. We remember the martyrs who died for a cause that we knew about, never those no less effective in their contribution but whose cause we were never aware of—precisely because they were successful. This is a far more vicious kind of ingratitude: the feeling of uselessness on the part of the silent hero”.

The Black Swan – The Impact of the Highly Improbable By Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Taleb’s words resonate deeply with me as I ponder the significance of school counselors. While a quick Google search yields statistics on gun violence incidents, suicides, and emergency room visits among students, what remains elusive is the invaluable impact of school counselors in preventing suicides, ensuring successful graduations, and positively influencing countless lives with their kind words.

These school counselors are unsung heroes, diligently carrying out their vital roles day in and day out. They prevent thousands of incidents and help millions of children find the path to career improvement. I was fortunate to connect with some of these remarkable individuals at their annual national convention in Atlanta. I extend sincere thanks to all the great school counselors for their immeasurable contributions.

If the school counselors are looking after the school children, who is looking after the school counselors? It’s time we find a way to quantify their positive influence and provide them with the just recognition they truly deserve.

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